Alright, let’s talk about this “Invasion” thing, episode nine, ya know? I watched it, and boy, oh boy, it was somethin’ else. Don’t rightly know if I understood it all, but I’ll tell ya what I saw.
So, this Mitsuki girl, she’s a real smarty-pants, always fiddlin’ with them computers and stuff. This episode, they showed her goin’ on a date with that Hinata gal. Cute as buttons, them two, lovin’ on that David Bowie fella’s music. Then, boom, back to the present, and Hinata’s wakin’ up in some kinda empty space, talkin’ to Mitsuki.
- First off, there’s these alien portals, right? Like big ol’ spooky doors.
- And on the other side? Well, it ain’t no pretty picture, that’s for sure. Looks like a big mess of wires and lights, kinda like my grandson’s video game exploded. They say it’s a “hive mind,” whatever that means. Sounds like a bunch of bees buzzin’ in my head.
- And that mothership, the big bad alien hangout? It ain’t even in our world! It’s somewhere else, and only special folks like Mitsuki and that Casper kid can get there. How they do it? Don’t ask me, it’s all gobbledygook to me.
Now, this Trevante fella, he’s a soldier, tough as nails. Mitsuki, she helps him get through one of them portals, but then she falls down, like she’s plum tuckered out. Folks are sayin’ she mighta died, sacrificin’ herself to save the world. Lord, I hope not. She seemed like a nice girl, even if she was a bit too brainy for my likin’.

Then there’s this Ahmed fella. Always causin’ trouble, that one. He was cheatin’ on his wife, wantin’ to leave his family. Bad egg, that’s what he was. And guess what? He probably kicked the bucket in this episode. Serves him right, I say. You can’t go around hurtin’ folks and expect to get away with it. Karma, that’s what it is.
And that Casper kid, the one who can talk to the aliens? He ain’t dead, even though he falls down at the end. Folks tried to wake him up, but he was out cold. Maybe he’s just tired, all that alien talkin’ must be drainin’. Or maybe he’s just playin’ possum, kids do that sometimes.
What about them aliens, though? Big, scary critters they are. But what happened to them big spaceships, the ones we saw in the desert at the start? They just disappeared, poof, like magic. Maybe they went home for supper. Who knows? Guess we gotta wait and see.
And that Hinata girl, was it really her talkin’ to Mitsuki from the other side? Mitsuki sure thought so, but I ain’t so sure. These aliens, they’re tricky, always playin’ mind games. Coulda been them pretendin’ to be Hinata, tryin’ to fool Mitsuki. You can’t trust nobody these days, not even aliens.
Oh, and those scientists, Esmee and Gabrielle, they keep knockin’ Casper out, doin’ experiments on him. Poor kid, can’t catch a break. They think he’s the key to somethin’, but I don’t trust them one bit. Always pokin’ and proddin’, like he’s some kinda lab rat. Reminds me of that time my neighbor’s cat got stuck in the fence, poor thing.
So, that’s what I got from episode nine. Portals, hive minds, dead folks, and maybe-dead folks, and aliens that come and go like the wind. It’s all a bit much for an old woman like me, but I reckon it’s entertainin’ enough. Keeps me from watchin’ those darn soap operas, always cryin’ and yellin’, those folks are.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make myself a cup of tea. All this talk about aliens and portals has given me a headache. And maybe I’ll watch some reruns of “The Andy Griffith Show,” now there’s a show you can understand. No aliens, just good ol’ fashioned folks livin’ their lives. That’s the kind of world I like.