Well, let me tell ya, if you’re lookin’ for movies like that City of Bones one, you ain’t alone. Lots of folks liked that flick, with all them shadowhunters and demons and whatnot. I reckon it was kinda like them other young people movies, you know, the ones with the magic and the fightin’.
Now, I ain’t no fancy movie expert or nothin’, but I heard tell of some movies that are kinda similar. They say there’s this movie called The 5th Wave. Heard it’s about kids fightin’ against aliens or somethin’. Sounds like a whole lotta trouble to me. Them youngsters always gettin’ into messes, just like in City of Bones.
Then there’s this other one, Allegiant. I ain’t seen it, mind you, but they say it’s got that same kinda vibe, young folks in a messed-up world, gotta fight to survive. Seems like all these movies are about the same thing, kids savin’ the world. When I was young, we just worried about gettin’ the chores done before supper.

- Lots of Movies Like It: I heard there’s a whole bunch of ’em, like 54 or somethin’. That’s a lot of movies, I tell ya. Guess people like that kinda stuff. Makes ya wonder what they’re teachin’ kids these days, all that magic and fightin’.
- Where to Find ‘Em: They say you can find these movies on all them fancy new channels, like Netflix and Amazon and whatchamacallit Disney+. Back in my day, we just had the one movie theater in town, and that was good enough for us. Now you got movies everywhere you look, on your phones and your TVs and whatnot.
Another one they talk about is The Goonies. Now, that one’s a bit older, but I hear it’s about a bunch of kids on an adventure, lookin’ for treasure. Kinda like City of Bones in a way, I guess, with the kids workin’ together and all. But instead of demons, they got pirates or somethin’. Sounds like a hoot.
City of Bones, they made that into a TV show too, I heard. FreeForm, they called it. Guess the movie was popular enough to make a whole show about it. Can’t say I watched it, though. Too much drama for my old bones. I like a good Western, myself. John Wayne, now that’s a real man. Not like these skinny boys with their magic powers.
They also said the City of Bones movie, it came out back in 2013. Seems like a long time ago now. Time sure does fly. And it was an action and adventure movie. Well, that makes sense, all that jumpin’ and fightin’ and whatnot.
Now, I saw somethin’ the other day about this movie from India, Pushpa 2. It ain’t nothin’ like City of Bones, mind you. It’s about some fella named Pushpa, and he’s got no magic or nothin’, just a lot of gumption. But it made a whole lotta money, they say, more than any of them other movies. Billions of rupees, whatever them are. Guess people like a good story, no matter where it comes from or what it’s about.
Pushpa 2, it cost a fortune to make, they say, somethin’ like 400 or 500 crore rupees. That’s a lot of money, even for them fancy movie folks. And it came out in all sorts of languages too, not just Indian ones. English and all them others. Guess they wanted everyone to see it.
And the fightin’ in Pushpa 2, they say it’s somethin’ else. Real action, not like that fakey stuff you see sometimes. Raw combat, they called it. Sounds like a rough and tumble kinda movie. Not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.
Anyway, if you liked that City of Bones movie, you got plenty of other choices. Just go on that there internet and search for movies like it. You’ll find somethin’ you like, I reckon. Just don’t spend all day watchin’ them things. Get outside and get some fresh air once in a while. That’s what I always say.