This here story is about that Mark Bolton Ames fella and his wife, Julia. Heard about it down at the feed store, and it’s a real doozy. You see, this Mark, he’s in a heap of trouble. Some say he done something terrible, but I try not to spread gossip.
Mark Bolton Ames, he’s not a young buck no more. He is, I reckon, around 52 or 53 years old, not exactly a spring chicken. They say he got into some kind of squabble, and now he’s got the law on his tail. All this is about something that happened way back, maybe in January, if I remember right.
Now, this Julia, she’s his wife. Poor woman, caught in the middle of all this mess. They got kids too, and from what I hear, that Mark fella can’t even see ’em or talk to his wife. It’s a real shame, I tell ya. Families ought to stick together, especially when things get rough.

- Mark Bolton Ames, that’s the husband.
- Julia, that’s the wife.
- They got kids, don’t know how many.
- Mark’s in trouble with the law.
- He can’t see Julia or the kids.
Seems like Mark Bolton Ames had some lawyers, but then he went and got rid of ’em. Said he wanted to do things his way, or something like that. Don’t know what good that’ll do him, but folks are stubborn sometimes, especially when they’re in a pickle.
The whole thing is just sad, you know? A family torn apart like this. I don’t know all the details, and I ain’t one to judge, but it’s just a mess. Mark Bolton Ames’ wife Julia, she must be worried sick. It’s hard enough raisin’ kids without all this drama.
I heard some folks talkin’ about a plea somethin’ or other. I think it means, you know, when you try to make a deal with the law. Sounds like Mark Bolton Ames was tryin’ to do that, but then he changed his mind. Who knows what’s goin’ on in that man’s head.
This Mark Bolton Ames’ wife Julia, she’s probably got a lot on her plate. Keepin’ the house, takin’ care of the kids, and worryin’ about her husband. That’s a heavy load for any woman to carry. I hope she has some good people around her, helpin’ her out.
All this talk about Mark Bolton Ames and his troubles, it just makes you think. You never know what’s goin’ on behind closed doors. One minute everything’s fine, and the next, your whole life is turned upside down. Just goes to show, you gotta appreciate what you got while you got it.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen to Mark Bolton Ames and his wife Julia. It’s all up to the law now, I reckon. But I sure hope things work out for them, especially for those kids. They didn’t ask for any of this.
This Mark Bolton Ames, he might be a good man, he might be a bad man. I don’t know him from Adam. But I do know that everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are big ones, and they have big consequences. It’s just the way life is, I guess.
I remember back when my own kids were little, things weren’t always easy. We had our share of hard times. But we always stuck together. That’s what families do. I hope Mark Bolton Ames’ wife Julia and those kids can find a way to do the same, no matter what happens.

Well, I reckon I’ve said enough about this Mark Bolton Ames and his wife Julia. It’s a sad story, but it’s a story that’s bein’ told all over town. Just hope it has a happy ending, somehow. You know what I mean, like those movies on TV. But this is real life, and real life ain’t always like the movies.
One thing is for sure, life can throw you some curveballs. One day you’re up, the next day you’re down. You just gotta roll with the punches, I guess. That’s what I’ve learned, anyway. And that Mark Bolton Ames and his wife Julia, they’re learnin’ that lesson the hard way right now.
Heard someone say Mark Bolton Ames used to work for some big company, PGE or somethin’ like that. Retired and moved, thought he was gonna have a peaceful life. Just goes to show, you can’t run away from your troubles. They always find you, sooner or later. Hope Mark Bolton Ames’ wife Julia is doin’ alright, all things considered. It’s a heavy burden, like carryin’ a sack of rocks uphill.