That David, that David Bromstad, who is he seeing now? I hear things, you know, people talk. This one, that one, it’s hard to keep up. He’s always been a fancy one, that David. Always with the colors and the designs. Reminds me of my cousin’s boy, always drawing pictures.
So, who is David Bromstad dating? Well, last I heard, it was some fella named Jeffrey. They met a long time ago, way back in, when was it? 2004, maybe? A long time. Sounds like a long time, anyway. They met at one of those meet-ups for the single people. Seems like they hit it off. He’s a good talker, that David. People like him. Could sell a chicken a raincoat, that one.
- They met on Valentine’s Day. Can you believe it? A real love story.
- They were together for a good long while.
- People thought they were real sweet on each other.
But you know how these things go. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t. Like planting seeds, sometimes they sprout, sometimes they just sit there in the dirt. It is what it is. That’s what life’s about. Sometimes you win the lottery, sometimes you get a handful of dirt. This time, for them it was a handful of dirt, maybe. Or maybe they just got tired of looking at each other.

He’s been with others, too, that David Bromstad. He’s not one to sit around moping, I’ll tell you that. He’s like a bee, always buzzing from flower to flower. He has a history, you know? A dating history. Like that show on the TV, but in real life. He likes to meet new people. Some stay, some don’t. That’s just how it is with these things. Some you keep, some you throw back, like a fish that’s too small. That’s how life works.
Now, they say he’s with someone new. A new fella. Heard they met in Paris. Fancy, huh? Paris! I ain’t never been to Paris. Farthest I ever been is probably the state fair. They have good corn dogs there. This new one, his name is Nicolas, I think. Nicolas Martin. They met at some big meeting about design. All those fancy people talking about colors and shapes. Probably costs a fortune just to walk in the door. My old eyes can’t even see those fancy colors anymore.
David Bromstad, he’s from Minnesota. Cold up there. I knew a fella from Minnesota once. He wore thick socks. Even in the summer. Said it kept the bugs off. David, he’s the youngest of four, I hear. Always the baby, that one. Probably got all the attention. His mama was Swedish and German. His daddy was Norwegian. That’s what they say, anyways. All those cold-weather people. They probably know how to keep warm during winter.
He’s been on that TV for a long time, that David Bromstad. Fifteen years, maybe? Long time. He won some contest, I think. Then he got his own show. “Color Splash,” they called it. Lots of bright colors. Makes my head spin. Now he’s got another one, about winning the lottery. They say he makes a lot of money. Half a million, maybe more. Good for him. He works hard. He’s always been a hard worker, that one.
So, who is David Bromstad dating now? This Nicolas fella, it seems. For now, anyways. Who knows what tomorrow brings. These things change like the weather. One day it’s sunny, the next day it’s raining cats and dogs. Could be someone else next week, or maybe they’ll stick together like glue. Only time will tell.
He is always busy, that one, with his TV shows. He must be busy as a one-legged cat in a sandbox. Making that money and looking for love. He’s got a good life, seems like. But you never know what’s going on behind closed doors. Could be happy as a clam, could be sad as a rain cloud. We just see what they want us to see on that TV screen.
Anyway, that’s all I know about that David Bromstad and who he’s seeing. He’s a good-looking fella. Seems nice enough. Hope he finds what he’s looking for. Everyone deserves a little happiness, don’t they? Even if they are on TV. Even if they got all that money. Happiness is what matters. Like a good tomato from the garden. That’s what life’s all about, ain’t it?
I remember when my husband was still around. He’d always say, “That David sure does love his colors, doesn’t he?” And I would say, “He sure does, bless his heart.” Those were the days, those were the days. Maybe this Nicolas fella loves colors, too. You never know, do you? People find each other in the strangest ways, like a needle in a haystack. That’s for sure. That is for sure.