That Brett Seacat, I tell you, he’s a bad egg. Heard he’s locked up good now, thank the heavens. Serving a life sentence, they say. Serves him right, that good-for-nothing. He killed his wife, you know? Poor Vashti. Back in, what was it, June 2013, they found him guilty. Good riddance, I say.
He was some kinda police instructor, imagine that! Teaching others how to uphold the law, and he goes and does something like this. Hypocrite! They say he’s in some prison outside of Kansas. Good. Keep him far away. Brett Seacat where is he now? Locked up, where he belongs. That’s all I care about.
He thought he was so smart, that Brett. Tried to make it look like Vashti, you know… did it to herself. Set the house on fire, too. But the truth always comes out, don’t it? They saw right through his lies. The jury, they didn’t believe him one bit.

I remember when it all happened. Everyone was talking about it. Such a tragedy. Two little boys, left without their mama. And all because of that no-good Brett Seacat. He should rot in jail. Where is he now? Hopefully suffering, just like he made Vashti suffer.
He appealed, you know. Tried to get out of it. Said the trial wasn’t fair. Hah! Fair? What about what he did to Vashti? Was that fair? Thankfully, the higher-ups, they saw through him too. They denied his appeal. He’s stuck there for good. Life sentence, they gave him. No parole.
- Brett Seacat, a bad man.
- Killed his wife, Vashti.
- Set the house on fire.
- Got a life sentence.
- He’s in prison, outside Kansas.
Brett Seacat where is he now? Well, last I heard, he was still in that prison. They don’t let folks like him out. Not after what he did. And they shouldn’t! He deserves to be locked up forever. Thinkin’ about those poor boys, growing up without their momma. Makes my blood boil.
They had evidence, you see. Lots of it. Couldn’t wiggle his way out of it, no matter how hard he tried. He was a police instructor, so he thought he knew all the tricks. But he was wrong. They found stuff, I heard, things that proved he did it. It was all planned out, they say. Cold-blooded murder. And to think, he used to teach law enforcement! What a joke.
I heard he’s been moved around a few times. From one prison to another. They do that sometimes, with the really bad ones. Keeps ’em from getting too comfortable, I reckon. Makes it harder for them to cause trouble. Brett Seacat where is he now? Somewhere locked up, that’s for sure. And I hope he’s miserable.
Some folks say he’s still trying to get out. Writing letters, filing appeals, whatever. But it won’t do him any good. He’s done for. Nobody’s gonna believe a word he says. He’s a convicted murderer. And everyone knows what he did to Vashti.
That poor woman. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. Nobody does. And those two little boys. It’s a shame they had to lose their mother that way, and their father to prison, too. Because of Brett Seacat. It’s just not right.
I hope they never let him out. Not ever. He’s a danger to society. A man like that, who could kill his own wife, he shouldn’t be allowed to walk free. Brett Seacat where is he now? In prison. And that’s where he’ll stay, until the day he dies. Good riddance.

It’s a sad story, that’s for sure. A real tragedy. But at least there’s some justice. He’s paying for what he did. And that’s all we can ask for, I suppose. He’s locked up, and he’s not coming out. And that’s a good thing. He can’t hurt anyone else now.
He’s probably got nothin’ to do all day but think about what he did. Think about Vashti, and those poor boys. Good. Let him think about it. Let him rot in there. He deserves it. Brett Seacat where is he now? He’s right where he should be.