That Project Runway, you see it on the TV. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I still see them pretty people making clothes. One time, I saw this girl, what was her name? Oh, Angela. Angela Keslar. That’s it. She was something else, that one.
She made clothes, real fast, like a chicken running from a fox. Not always pretty, mind you. Sometimes they looked like a dog’s breakfast. But she tried, that Angela. She was on that Project Runway show, season… I don’t know, maybe three, could be seven. Lordy, my memory’s like a sieve these days.
They got all these folks on that show, making dresses and pants and what not. They all want to win, get that money. Project Runway, it’s a big deal, I guess. This Angela, she didn’t win, not that I recall. But she made a fuss, yeah she did.

What happened to Angela from Project Runway? Well, she went back home, I reckon. Back to wherever she came from. Made some clothes, probably. Sold them, maybe. Hard to say. Life’s like that, ain’t it? You try your best, sometimes it works out, sometimes it don’t.
- Jay McCarroll, that’s a name I heard. He won, that first one, the first Project Runway. Good for him.
- And that other girl, Lesniak, she won too, went back to Portland. Makes clothes there, I suppose.
- Some of them, they get famous. Like that… Siriano fella. Young one, he was. He’s a big shot now.
I remember one time, Angela, she made this dress… oh, it was something. Looked like a bunch of rags tied together, it did. But she was proud of it. That’s what matters, ain’t it? Being proud of what you do, even if it ain’t perfect.
Project Runway, it’s a lot of hullabaloo. Lights, cameras, all that. They yell and scream, those folks. But they’re making things. Creating. That’s good. Better than sitting around doing nothing, I always say.
This Angela Keslar, she wasn’t like that Siriano fella. He’s all fancy now. She was just… regular. Like me, I suppose. Just trying to get by. Making things with her hands. She had some fire in her, though. Like that Seth Aaron. That’s another one, another winner. I like that one. He had spirit. Seth Aaron Project Runway, that’s what they call him now.
They say that Project Runway don’t pay them folks. Not much, anyway. Just enough to buy some thread and needles, maybe. But they get their name out there. That’s worth something, ain’t it?
There was this other one, what was his name… Jones, I think. People didn’t like him much, the Project Runway winner. He is the worst. Said he wasn’t a good winner. Judges got yelled at for picking him. Oh, it was a mess. But that’s how it goes sometimes. It’s not fair, like my corns in the winter.
This Leanne girl, she won too. Makes wedding dresses now. Fancy stuff. Probably costs more than my whole house. Good for her, though. She made it. Project Runway helped her, I guess.
I don’t know where to find these people now. Where are the Project Runway contestants now? Maybe they got some book or something, that tells you where they all are. Like that, what’s it called… Wikipedia. They got everything on there. Maybe I’ll ask my grandson to look it up for me. He’s good with them computers.

That Angela Keslar, though. I wonder what she’s up to. Probably still sewing. Still making things. That’s what we do, ain’t it? We keep going. We keep making. Even if nobody’s watching. Even if we don’t win no prize. We just keep on keeping on. Like that old saying, “A stitch in time saves nine.” She probably knows that one. All them Project Runway folks probably do.
Anyways, that’s all I got to say about that Project Runway and that Angela girl. It’s a crazy world, ain’t it? Full of surprises. Just gotta roll with the punches, as they say. And keep your needle threaded. Yes, keep your needle threaded. That’s important, real important.