Well, you see, that Dennis, he’s a little rascal, ain’t he? Always gettin’ into somethin’. Reminds me of my own grandson, bless his heart. Now, if you liked that movie, “Dennis the Menace”, you’re probably lookin’ for some other movies like Dennis the Menace.
That Dennis, he sure did give that poor Mr. Wilson a run for his money! I tell ya, sometimes kids can be a handful. But they sure are entertainin’, especially in the movies. You want somethin’ that’s gonna make you chuckle, somethin’ with a kid gettin’ the best of some grown-ups, right?
Now, I ain’t no fancy movie expert, but I’ve seen a few in my day. And I know what I like. Here are some movies like Dennis the Menace:

- That one with the kid home alone – You know the one, right? The little boy, he’s all by himself, and some bad guys try to rob the place. But that kid, he’s smarter than he looks! He sets up all kinds of traps, just like Dennis! It’s a real hoot! This one good if you look for movies like Dennis the Menace.
- That one with blank check – A little boy get a blank check. It is so funny. He buy a big house and lots of toys. It makes me laugh so hard. I think it’s a good one if you search for movies like Dennis the Menace.
- That other one about baby’s day out – A little baby, he crawls all over town, and these goofy criminals try to catch him. It’s a real knee-slapper, I tell ya. Reminds me of when my youngest wandered off down to the creek. Scared me half to death! This movie is for sure similar to Dennis the Menace.
Now, where was I? Oh, right, movies like Dennis the Menace. If you got a young’un, they’ll probably like these too. It’s good, clean fun, most of ’em.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy movie theaters. We’d go to the drive-in, pile in the back of the truck, and watch whatever was playin’. Sometimes it was a western, sometimes a love story. But the ones with the kids, those were always my favorite. They just make you feel good, you know? So if you want to feel good, you can try to find movies like Dennis the Menace.
Let’s see, what else… Oh! There’s that one where the kid switches places with his dad. Or was it his grandpa? Anyway, it’s a real mix-up, and they both learn a thing or two about each other. It’s got some good laughs in it. It’s one of the good movies like Dennis the Menace.
And then there’s that one about the little girl who can talk to animals. Now, that one’s a little different, but it’s still got that same kind of mischief and adventure, you know? Kids love these ones. It is also a popular movie like Dennis the Menace.
You know, watchin’ movies is a good way to spend a rainy afternoon. Especially when you got the grandkids over. Keeps ’em quiet for a couple of hours, at least. And it’s fun to see ’em laugh and giggle at all the silly things happenin’ on the screen.
If you want to find movies like Dennis the Menace, you can ask the young people. They know how to find these things. Or you can look on one of them movie boxes. The one with the red button. I think it is called “Net-flix”. My grandson, he watches it all the time. He says there are many movies similar to Dennis the Menace on it.
There’s also one called “A-ma-zon”. I think it is own by that rich man, you know, the one with the bald head. They say he went to the moon. Anyway, they also have many movies like Dennis the Menace. My daughter, she always orders things from there.
Or you can go to that “Goo-gle”. You type in what you want to find, for example, “movies like Dennis the Menace” , and it shows you many things. It’s like magic!

You know what else is funny? Those movies with the little yellow fellas. They talk funny, and they’re always gettin’ into trouble. They’re not really like Dennis, but they’re still pretty darn entertainin’. They also have some similar movies.
Well, I reckon I’ve rambled on long enough. Just remember, if you liked that Dennis movie, there’s plenty more out there just like it. You just gotta know where to look. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. These young folks today, they’re real good with that internet thing. They can find anything you want, especially movies like Dennis the Menace!