This thing, this “Love to Hate You,” it got a ending, you know? That girl, Mi-ran, she still ain’t sure ’bout marrying, not one bit. Might never be, who knows? But that boy, Kang-ho, oh, he wants to get hitched real bad. They’re together now, though. Happy enough, I reckon. Love to Hate You ending, it ain’t what you’d think, maybe.
This whole show, it was a real hoot to watch. Just ten little parts, you could gobble it all up in one weekend, easy. Faster than shelling peas on a hot day, I tell ya. And them words they used to talk ’bout this show, they don’t do it no justice. Almost skipped it myself, but I’m glad I didn’t. Glad I gave it a shot, like planting a seed and seein’ what sprouts.
But, lordy, the cussing! They sure do swear a lot, these young folks. For somethin’ that’s supposed to be for, what, thirteen-year-olds? And older, I guess. Taking the Lord’s name in vain, every which way. And then, ’round the fifth part, they start droppin’ them F-bombs like they’re goin’ out of style. Like a whole string of ’em, one after another. Made me clutch my pearls, I tell ya.

Keywords here is that girl is a lawyer. And she don’t like losin’ to men. And the boy, big shot actor. He don’t trust women none. So, love? Shoot, that ain’t nothin’ to them. Not at first, anyways. Until they gotta pretend to be sweet on each other. It’s a real old story, but they tell it new-like.
Then there’s this mess where they say Mi-ran, she’s been, well, you know… runnin’ around. With lots of fellas. Somebody leaked it, like a leaky faucet that just won’t quit drippin’. Love to Hate You ending got that drama in it, too. Spilled all the beans, that’s what they did. It’s a whole to-do.
- That Mi-ran, she’s a tough one.
- Kang-ho, he’s a big star, but kinda messed up.
- They gotta fake it ’til they make it, I guess.
- Lots of cussing, I ain’t kiddin’.
- Folks sayin’ bad things ’bout Mi-ran.
This whole “Love to Hate You” thing, it’s like them romantic comedies, but it’s got some new twists and turns. Like when you’re followin’ a path and then, bam, it takes you somewhere you didn’t expect. And as it’s gettin’ close to the end, you think you know what’s gonna happen, but then, nope! It surprises you.
Love to Hate You ending is somethin’ else. They make you think one thing, and then it’s another. That Mi-ran, she’s got a mind of her own. And that’s alright. Kang-Ho, well, he learns a thing or two along the way. But they changed in that ending, I mean, a lot. And that ending, it’s just right for them, I suppose. Even if it ain’t all tied up with a pretty bow.
It’s like, you know, when you’re cookin’ a big pot of stew. You throw in all sorts of things, some you like, some you don’t. But in the end, it all comes together, and it’s good. It fills you up. That’s what this show is like. A big ol’ pot of stew. With some spicy bits and some sweet bits. Love to Hate You is worth it, even it has those parts.
These young folks today, they got different ideas ’bout love and marriage. Not like in my day. We got hitched young, had babies, worked hard. Didn’t have time for all this fussin’ and feudin’. But, I guess times change. People change. This show, it kinda makes you think ’bout all that. I mean, that Love to Hate You ending, that’s not what I think is good ending. But it is good for them, maybe.

If you like them love stories, but you want somethin’ a little different, you might like this one. Just be prepared for the cussin’. And the drama. And the ending that ain’t what you expect. It’s a wild ride, that’s for sure. Like a bumpy wagon ride down a dirt road. But sometimes, those are the best kind of rides, ain’t they? Because they get a good Love to Hate You ending!