Okay, so, I wanted to figure out what the heck was going on with that ending in “Lolo and the Kid”. You know, the one everyone’s been talking about? It’s been bugging me, so I decided to take a deep dive and see if I could crack the code.
First, I watched the whole thing again. Twice. I know, I know, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything the first time around. Then I started digging around online, looking at what other people were saying. Forums, reviews, you name it. Lots of different theories, but nothing that really clicked for me.
So, I went back to the movie. This time, I focused specifically on the last 20 minutes or so. I paid close attention to the dialogue, the music, even the lighting. I jotted down some notes on the parts that seemed particularly important.

My notes
- Lolo’s facial expression: When he looks back, is that regret? Sadness? Or something else entirely?
- The kid’s silence: Why doesn’t the kid say anything at the end? What’s going through their mind?
- The music: The music gets really intense at the end. What kind of emotion is it trying to convey?
After I watched and wrote the notes, I started to see a pattern. It’s like the director was leaving us breadcrumbs. It all came together in this one scene where Lolo is looking at the photograph.
I realized that the ending isn’t about what happened, but about what didn’t happen. It’s about the choices we make and the consequences that follow. Lolo’s looking back at a life he could have had, a life he chose to leave behind. And the kid? They’re a symbol of that lost opportunity.
It’s a pretty heavy ending when you think about it. But also kind of beautiful, in a sad way. It makes you wonder about your own choices, you know? What paths did you choose not to take? And what would your life be like if you had?
Anyway, that’s my take on the “Lolo and the Kid” ending. It might not be the definitive answer, but it makes sense to me. Let me know what you all think!