Well, let me tell you about this thing that happened in Shreveport, you know, that place down in Louisiana. Folks were all in a tizzy about it. This gal, Rannita Williams, a young thing, only 27, with three little young’uns. Bless her heart.
Rannita, she went to Green Oaks High School right there in Shreveport. Seemed like she was doin’ alright for herself, ya know? Got them three kids – Damaya, King, and Jada. Someone said things was lookin’ up for her. She even had herself a new somethin’ or other… But then, Lord have mercy, somethin’ terrible happened.
Now, this fella, Jonathan Robinson, from Shreveport too, he was mixed up in it. Folks said he used to be her boyfriend. They was on and off for about five years, or so they say, before they broke it off a couple years before… well, before the bad thing happened.

They say Jonathan, he was 36 or 37 years old. Can you believe it? Grown man. And Rannita, just a young gal. It just ain’t right.
- Folks were whisperin’ about what happened.
- It was last spring, they said, in 2018.
- Right there in Rannita’s own house in Shreveport.
At first, this Jonathan, he said he didn’t do nothin’. Denied it, he did. But then, I reckon the guilt got to him. They say he wanted to plead guilty, right off the bat. Said he was sorry for what he done. But the law, they wanted to do more. They was talkin’ about the death penalty, you see. Scary stuff, that is.
But then, just this past Thursday, or so I heard, Jonathan, he went and pleaded guilty to first-degree murder. First-degree murder, that’s a serious thing. They said he copped to it, meaning he admitted it. Shot her, he did, right there in her own home. Poor Rannita.
Shreveport, it’s a big place, but news like this travels fast. Everyone was talkin’ about it. Such a shame, a young life taken like that. And them three babies, left without a mama. It just breaks your heart, it really does.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen to Jonathan now. They got him locked up, that’s for sure. Justice, they call it. But it won’t bring Rannita back, will it? And them kids, they’ll grow up without their mama. It’s just a sad, sad story.
Folks say Jonathan, he was feelin’ remorseful. That means he felt bad, real bad, for what he did. But feelin’ bad don’t bring nobody back. It don’t fix nothin’. He shoulda thought about that before he went and did what he done.
Now, all we can do is pray for them babies, pray for Rannita’s family, and hope that somethin’ like this never happens again. It’s a cruel world, this world, and sometimes, bad things happen to good people. It just ain’t fair.
So that’s the story, as best as I can tell it. A young mama gone too soon, and a man who’s gotta live with what he did. It’s a story that’ll make you hug your loved ones a little tighter, that’s for sure.
Tags:[Rannita Williams, Jonathan Robinson, Shreveport, Louisiana, Murder, Crime, Green Oaks High School]