Well, let me tell you, this game, they call it Corruption of Champions. It’s somethin’ else. My grandkids, they got me into it. Said it was all the rage. I don’t know about rage, but it sure is… somethin’. You know, I ain’t no good with these computer things, but I gave it a try. Took me a good long while, I reckon, to figure out what’s what.
First time I played, I was at it for, oh, I don’t know, maybe 25 hours or more. Just to get through it once! These young folks, they pick it up so fast. Me? I’m just an old lady tryin’ to keep up. But I got through it. There’s a whole lot to this Corruption of Champions play, I tell ya. I don’t understand half of it but I play. I always play what my grandkids tell me to play. And if you want to know how to play corruption of champions, just ask them.
So, you make a character, see? And this character, they gotta make choices. Good choices, bad choices, all sorts of choices. And every choice you make, it changes things. Like, if you’re nice to folks, they’re nice to you. But if you’re mean, well… you get the picture. This game, it’s all about that. The choices and what happens after. That’s the corruption of champions gameplay.

Now, some folks, they say this game, it’s a bit… naughty. I ain’t one to judge, but there’s some stuff in there that, well, let’s just say it ain’t for the church choir. But it make the game more fun. More… how do you say, exiting? I guess you could call it that. There are some demon things in there, too. And these demon things, they try to get you to do bad stuff. They whisper in your ear, try to lead you down the wrong path. They call it corruption. Makes sense, I reckon. If you want to know what is corruption of champions, that is it.
- You can be good.
- You can be bad.
- You can be somethin’ in between.
It’s all up to you. And that’s what makes it interestin’. That there corruption. It is a big part of the game. You gotta watch out, or it’ll get you. It’s like a sickness, almost. It changes you, makes you do things you wouldn’t normally do.
I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout different versions of this game. Mods, they call ’em. Like, they take the game and they change it up some. Add things, take things away. I don’t know much about all that, but it sounds complicated. My grandkids say the best coc modded version is the one they made. They are smart kids, I trust them. I just play the regular one, myself. It’s hard enough for me as it is!
There’s this thing called Flashpoint, too. I think that’s what it’s called. My grandkids use it to play this game and other games, these old ones that don’t work no more. They say it’s like a library for old games. Saves them from bein’ lost forever. I don’t know how it works, but they seem to like it. This way, they can still play corruption of champions. Smart kids.
They tell me there’s a new one, too. Corruption of Champions 2. I haven’t tried that one yet. Maybe one day, when I get better at the first one. It’s supposed to be even bigger and more complicated. More choices, more things to do. Sounds like a lot, even for me. They also tell me about corruption of champions similar games, but I always tell them that I only play what they tell me to.
But this first one, it’s got a lot to offer. Lots of folks to meet, places to go. You can fight monsters, explore dungeons, all that stuff. It’s a real adventure, I tell ya. If you’re lookin’ for somethin’ different, somethin’ to keep you busy, you might wanna give it a try. Just be prepared to spend some time on it. And watch out for that corruption!
Now my grandkids, they talk about this Corruption of Champions all the time, if you can believe it. They say that everyone is playing it. It is a good game, so maybe they are right. I don’t know. They have their friends, you know, also playing. Then they talk for hours about what they are doing in the game. Who is doing what. How they win this or that fight. Kids these days, right?
One thing I can tell you for sure – you never know what’s gonna happen next in this game. It’s full of surprises. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Just like real life, I guess. But in this game, you can always start over if you mess up. Can’t do that in real life, can ya?

Anyways, that’s all I got to say about this Corruption of Champions game. It’s a wild ride, that’s for sure. If you’re brave enough to give it a try, well, good luck to ya. You’ll need it! And if you see me in there, well, don’t be a stranger. Say hello! Just don’t ask me for no help. I’m still tryin’ to figure it all out myself!