So, I was scrolling through some old movies the other day, right? And I stumbled upon this film with Jennifer Ehle in it. Now, I’ve always liked her as an actress, but something clicked this time. I was like, “Hold up, she looks awfully familiar.”
Then it hit me. She reminds me so much of a young Meryl Streep! I mean, seriously, the resemblance is uncanny. I grabbed my phone and started doing some digging. I pulled up some photos of Meryl Streep from back in the day and compared them with pictures of Jennifer Ehle.
Doing Side-by-Side
I did a whole side-by-side thing. First, I found a picture of Meryl in, like, one of her earlier movies. Then I found a shot of Jennifer that looked like it was taken around the same age.

The similarities are just wild!
- Their facial structures? Almost identical. They both have that strong jawline and those high cheekbones.
- And the eyes! Both of them have those expressive eyes that just draw you in.
- Even their smiles are similar. It’s like they share the same charm and warmth.
Honestly, it’s like looking at two versions of the same person, but from different eras or something. After seeing all this, I started watching more of Jennifer Ehle’s work. I wanted to see if the resemblance was just a fluke or if it was consistent.
And you know what? It’s definitely there. In every movie, in every scene, I can see a bit of Meryl in her.
It’s not just the physical looks, either. They both have this amazing ability to command the screen. You can’t help but be captivated by their performances.
After this whole deep dive, I’m even more of a fan of Jennifer Ehle now. And it’s given me a new appreciation for Meryl Streep’s early work. It’s like discovering a secret connection between two of my favorite actresses.
Has anyone else noticed this? Or am I just seeing things? Let me know what you guys think!