Well, well, well, look what we have here, that book, “Dark Matter,” it’s got an ending, alright! That fella, Blake Crouch, he wrote it. And let me tell you, that ending, hoo boy, it’s a doozy! I finished the whole darn thing, and I gotta say my head’s still spinnin’!
That Jason fella, he’s the main guy in the Dark Matter book, you see. He got himself into a real pickle, that one. One minute he’s walkin’ home, thinkin’ about his wife Daniela, and his boy Charlie, and the next, BAM! He’s knocked out, and wakes up in some other place, a whole other life, can you believe that?
Turns out, there’s a whole bunch of different worlds, all kinda like ours, but different. Like, in one world, maybe you got a blue house instead of a red one, or maybe you married that fella down the street instead of your hubby. It’s all mixed up, like a big ol’ pot of stew.

- Different worlds, like different bowls of soup.
- Jason got tossed into the wrong one, poor fella.
- Had to find his way back to his own Daniela and Charlie.
This Jason, he’s a smart one, though. He’s a, what do they call it… a physicist? He knows all about that science stuff, which I don’t rightly understand, but it helped him figure out how to hop between these worlds. He built some kinda box, a big ol’ cube thing, and that’s how he did it, jumpin’ from one place to another.
And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. He met all kinds of other Jasons, versions of himself from those other worlds, and some of ’em weren’t so nice. Nope, some of those Jasons were downright mean, tryin’ to keep him from gettin’ back home. They were all like, “This is my life now, you can’t have it!” It was a real mess, I tell ya.
He was jumpin’ and jumpin’, lookin’ for his right world, his right family. Kept runnin’ into those other Jasons. One time, he even had to fight one of ’em, a real nasty one, Jason2 they called him. It was a real knock-down, drag-out fight, I reckon, though the book don’t say all the details. But our Jason, he won, somehow. He was desperate to see Daniela and that boy of his. Nothing was gonna stop him.
Finally, after all that hoopla, he makes it back! He finds his Daniela, his Charlie, his own house. But those other Jasons, they were still chasin’ him, tryin’ to take his place. A whole horde of doppelgangers! Can you imagine? A whole bunch of you, all runnin’ around, causin’ trouble? It’d be like ants at a picnic, I reckon.
But this Dark Matter ending, it’s somethin’ else. Jason and his family, they all go into that cube together. He decides they need to find another world, a safe one, where those other Jasons can’t get to ’em. They are a family, and that’s important.
- Jason fought hard to get back to his family.
- He used that cube to travel between worlds.
- Lots of other Jasons were after him, it was scary!
- Dark Matter book ending explained by an old lady, that’s me!
So, they walk down this hallway, inside the cube, and there’s all these doors, each one leadin’ to a different world. And that boy, Charlie, he picks one, a door to a new place. And they all step through it, together. A brand new world, a new life. Startin’ over, just the three of ’em. Leaving all those mean Jasons behind. This is the Dark Matter book ending.
Now, I don’t know what happens to ’em after that. Mr. Crouch, he didn’t write no more about it. Maybe they’re happy, maybe they got a little farm, growin’ tomatoes and such. Maybe Charlie’s got a dog. I like to think they’re alright, though. They deserve a little peace and quiet after all that.
That Dark Matter book, it sure makes you think, don’t it? Makes you wonder about all the choices you made in life, and how things coulda been different. Makes you grateful for what you got, I reckon. Your family, your home, your little corner of the world. You don’t need no fancy cube to appreciate that, no sir.

So, that’s the Dark Matter book ending, far as I can tell. A whole lot of runnin’ and jumpin’ and fightin’, but in the end, it’s about family. That’s somethin’ everyone can understand, ain’t it? No matter what world you’re in. And there is no book sequel, so this is the end. It is an interesting story.
This Dark Matter, it is a thriller, that’s for sure. It keeps you guessin’, that’s what it does. Keeps you on the edge of your seat, like when you’re waitin’ for the rooster to crow in the mornin’. You just know somethin’s gonna happen, you just don’t know what. And this Dark Matter book ending, it will catch you off guard.