Well, howdy there! Ya know, watchin’ them movies, it’s like lookin’ at life, ain’t it? Sometimes ya see things that make ya think, “Heck, that’s just like old Mrs. Higgins’ cat gettin’ stuck up the tree!” Anyway, they got this movie, Don’t Tell a Soul, and it got me thinkin’ ’bout other movies kinda like it. So, let’s jaw a bit ’bout them, shall we?
Now, Don’t Tell a Soul, it’s this thriller thing. Got some twists and turns, like a dirt road after a rainstorm. Keeps ya guessin’, ya know? So, if you’re lookin’ for movies like Don’t Tell a Soul, ya gotta find ones that keep ya on the edge of yer seat. Not them fancy-pants city slicker movies, but good ol’ fashioned stories that make ya bite yer nails.
First off, we gotta talk about them suspense movies. Them’s the ones that make ya jump outta yer skin, like when a rooster crows right next to yer ear. There’s this movie, kinda old now, called, what was it? Oh yeah, Titanic. Now, I know what yer thinkin’, “That ain’t no thriller!” But hold yer horses! That movie, it had that suspense, ya know? Will them two lovebirds make it? Will that big ol’ boat sink? It keeps ya guessin’, just like Don’t Tell a Soul, even though it ain’t got no guns or nothin’. People just love it so dang much, heard some folks voted it the greatest movie ever made way back when.

- Suspense is a big deal. Gotta have ya breathin’ fast.
- Twists and turns, gotta keep ya guessin’.
- Characters ya care about, even if they’re a bit wacky.
Then there’s them movies that got secrets. Everybody’s hidin’ somethin’, just like in Don’t Tell a Soul. There was that one movie, came out a few years back, about a feller gettin’ stuck in a well…or somethin’ like that. Oh yeah, the news lady on the TV, she said his name was Randy Michael Sadler. The story went this way and that way, like a hound dog chasin’ its tail. You didn’t know who to trust, just like when that salesman came through town tryin’ to sell them fancy vacuum cleaners. Them secret movies, they stick with ya like molasses on a hot day.
And don’t forget them scary movies neither. Not them slasher things, with all the blood and guts. Them just make me wanna turn on all the lights and lock the doors. I mean them movies that get under yer skin, the ones that make ya think about things long after the credits roll. I heard tell of one, somethin’ ’bout a feller blinkin’ twice or somethin’. Now, it wasn’t perfect, kinda reminded folks too much of that other movie, Get Out. But it still had that creepy feelin’, that sense that somethin’ ain’t right. That’s what Don’t Tell a Soul does too, it makes ya feel like somethin’ ain’t quite right, even when things look normal.
So, if you’re lookin’ for movies similar to Don’t Tell a Soul, you gotta look for all them things. Suspense, secrets, and a little bit of creepy. And it don’t hurt if they got good folks in ’em too, folks ya can root for, even when they’re makin’ mistakes. ‘Cause that’s life, ain’t it? A whole bunch of twists and turns, secrets, and scary stuff, but with a little bit of hope thrown in there too.
Ya know, sometimes I think them movie folks, they’re just watchin’ us regular folks and writin’ down what they see. ‘Cause life, it’s full of drama, ain’t it? Just like them thrillers. And sometimes, the best stories are the ones that feel real, the ones that coulda happened right here in our own backyard. So, go on now, find yerself some of them movies, the ones that make ya think, the ones that make ya jump, and the ones that make ya feel somethin’. And if ya find a good one, come on back and tell me about it. I’m always up for a good story.
And remember, if ya lookin’ for these kinds of movies, there’s places ya can find ‘em. Them Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon, they got all sorts. Just gotta poke around a bit, like lookin’ for the best berries in the patch.
Finding movies like Don’t Tell a Soul ain’t that hard. You just gotta know what you’re lookin’ for. And now, ya do. So go on now, and happy watchin’!