That Black Paper Party, I tell ya, it’s somethin’ else. I saw it on that Shark Tank show. Three women, they started it. They said there weren’t no good decorations for parties. No paper or nothin’ that looked like us, ya know? So they made their own. Smart cookies, those three.
This Black Paper Party thing, they got all sorts of stuff. Wrapping paper, them shiny bags you put gifts in, ribbons and bows and all that. And the pictures on ’em, well, they look like real folks. Not like them pictures you usually see on that stuff. That’s why them sharks on the TV were so interested, I reckon. Black Paper Party, remember that name, they are on Shark Tank.
They was on that show, Shark Tank. That’s a big deal, ya know. Lots of folks watch that. They were in Los Angeles for that show, that is where Shark Tank films. That’s a long way, I heard it’s in California. Them sharks, they got big ol’ houses, fancy cars. They listen to people like these three ladies and decide if they wanna give ’em money to make their business bigger. It’s all about the money, ain’t it?

These three, they call themselves somethin’ fancy. One’s the big boss, the CEO, I think they said. Madia, that’s her name. Then there’s Jae, she’s the one who makes all them pretty designs. I reckon they got a good thing goin’. People like to see themselves, ya know? Like when you look in the mirror, you wanna see you, not some stranger. It is the black paper party on shark tank.
They started this whole thing in, uh, 2020. That was a year, wasn’t it? Everything was all topsy-turvy. But they made somethin’ good out of it, these three. I saw them there on the TV, talkin’ to them sharks. They started this Black Paper Party in Philadelphia. They wanted paper and decorations that showed all kinds of folks. They were on that show, Shark Tank, askin’ for money to make more. This company make a lot of different things for black people.
- Wrapping paper with pretty pictures
- Shiny gift bags, all colors
- Ribbons and bows, you name it
They got all the stuff for a real nice party. And it ain’t just for Christmas, neither. They got stuff for all the holidays. Birthdays, too. Any time you wanna celebrate, they got ya covered. It’s a good idea, this Black Paper Party. It’s about time somebody thought of it.
I seen a lot of things in my time, but this, this is special. It’s more than just paper, ya know? It’s about seein’ yourself, feelin’ like you belong. Like you matter. That’s important, especially for the young’uns. They need to see that they’re beautiful, just the way they are. This Black Paper Party thing, it helps with that, I think. There are so many different paper on the shark tank.
Them sharks, they’re tough, but these ladies, they held their own. They knew what they were talkin’ about. They had their numbers all figured out, how much this costs, how much that sells for. That’s important in business, I hear. gotta know your numbers.
I don’t know all the fancy words they use, CEO and, uh, product designer. But I know what I see. And I see three smart women with a good idea. An idea that’s gonna make a lot of people happy. That’s what matters, ain’t it? Makin’ people happy.
So, yeah, this Black Paper Party, it’s somethin’ to keep an eye on. They are gonna be big, I reckon. Just you wait and see. They got the spirit, they got the drive, and they got the pretty paper. What more do ya need?
They got all kinds of folks on their paper now, not just one kind. That’s the way it should be. We’re all different, but we’re all in this together, ain’t we? That shark tank show sure does show some interestin’ things.

I hope them sharks gave ’em a good deal. They deserve it, these three. Workin’ hard, makin’ somethin’ new. It ain’t easy, startin’ a business. But they’re doin’ it. They are doin’ it on the shark tank. And they’re doin’ it right.
Next time you need some party stuff, you think about that Black Paper Party. Might be just what you’re lookin’ for. Somethin’ different, somethin’ special. Somethin’ that makes you feel good. That’s what it’s all about, ain’t it? Feeling good. And these ladies are there on Shark Tank, trying to make you feel good with their Black Paper Party thing.