Oh, honey, you wanna talk about them old-timey films like Gone with the Wind? My old eyes seen a lot of pictures in my day, let me tell ya. That Gone with the Wind, though, that was somethin’ else. Scarlett, she was a handful, wasn’t she? And that Rhett, oh, he was a smooth talker. Got me all riled up, that movie did.
Now, you lookin’ for somethin’ like it? Well, there’s a whole heap of ’em, but they ain’t all the same, not by a long shot. Some’s got that fancy romance, some’s got that big war goin’ on, some’s just plain sad.
You see, back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy movie places. We’d go to the town hall, sometimes they’d string up a sheet, and that was the picture show! And we loved it!

But these films like Gone with the Wind, they got a certain somethin’ to ’em, you know? It’s like that feeling when you’re young like a flower, and your heart is beatin’ like a dog chase a rabbit. It’s that ache in your chest, that longing for somethin’ more.
Now, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout a movie, Titanic, they call it. Big boat, big love story, big sad endin’. Sounds a bit like Gone with the Wind, don’t it? People love that kind of heartbreak, I guess. It’s like eatin’ a whole bucket of fried chicken, then regretting it, but you still enjoyed it, you know what I mean?
- That Titanic, it made more money than a farmer sellin’ his prize pig at the county fair. People love it like a new dress.
- They say it’s one of them top-grossin’ films, whatever that means. Just means a whole lot of folks went to see it, I reckon.
Then there’s them other ones. What’s that one with the fella writin’ letters to his love? Oh, The Notebook, that’s it. Makes you wanna cry like a baby who lost its momma, that one does. A man loves a woman so much.
And that one where the woman is rich, and the man, he’s, well, he ain’t. Pretty Woman, they call it. She’s walkin’ down the street lookin’ for somethin’. He sure give her somethin’, didn’t he? Lots of folks like that one. Reminds me of my cousin, bless her heart, she always did like a man with a fat wallet.
Then you got your When Harry Met Sally. Now that’s a funny one. Man and a woman, they friends for a long time, then, bam! They fall in love. Just like that! Goes to show you, love can be right under your nose, and you don’t even know it.
Or what about Sleepless in Seattle? Can you sleep good in Seattle? I don’t know. I only sleep in my own bed. But it seems like a love story too.
And they always say Love Actually is good. But I don’t know what it is about. Too many love stories in one film I guess.
And there is another one, Jezebel. It has that southern feelin’, like that Gone with the Wind. People say it is like that movie.

I reckon there’s a whole bunch more of these films like Gone with the Wind. More than you can shake a stick at. Seventy, maybe more! Can you believe that? Seventy films about love and loss and all that stuff. Keeps folks entertained, I guess.
Back in my time, we only have a few films to watch. Now you young people have so many choices. Like too many potatoes in the bag, you don’t know which one to cook first.
These old bones don’t get out to the picture show much anymore. But I got my memories, and I got my stories. And that’s worth more than any old movie, ain’t it?
You young’uns, you go on and watch your films like Gone with the Wind. Enjoy ’em while you can. But remember, real life, that’s the best story there is.
Now, go on, get outta here. I got chores to do. These chickens ain’t gonna feed themselves, you know. And my stories ain’t gonna tell themselves neither. But maybe I’ll tell you another one later, if you’re lucky.